Valpo alumni are doing amazing things across the country and around the world — in their professional and personal lives. They’re leading industries, contributing knowledge, and serving in a multitude of ways. These class notes offer a glimpse into their activities, accomplishments, and milestones. If you have news to share with your fellow Valpo alumni, please share it below.
Published Fall 2023
Vic Berecz
Vic Berecz ’61 has published a series of op-ed pieces for the Naples (Florida) Daily News entitled “Moments of Awareness.”
Published Winter 2019
Jack Foote
Jack Foote ’61 co-founded and served as CFO of Cline, Foote, and Gable Inc. in Chicago for 25 years prior to his retirement. He founded the nonprofit Beautiful Savior Charities 10 years ago, with a community outreach mission dedicated to helping the children and families at the Banner- Diamond Children’s Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona.
Judy and Alan Pretzel
Judy ’61 and Alan Pretzel ’60 are proud their Valpo family legacy has continued with their grandchildren — Jake Morrison ’17 and current Valpo students Claire ’21 and Brad Van Wagoner ’20.
Published Spring/Summer 2016
Lowell Baier
Lowell Baier ’61, J.D. recently gave $20 million to renovate and expand the Indiana University in Bloomington Law School, which he attended.