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Around the Campanile

Around the World

In Pictures

“It’s always fun when we can get the kids interested in the weather. When I was younger, being able to get up close to equipment and get hands-on experience was something that really got me excited and helped to drive my interest. I love being able to show the kids what we can do.” — Nick Markus ’24

Photo by Cat MacDonald

For more than fifty years, Christ College — The Honors College students have been charged with writing, producing, and performing an original musical. The idea began in 1974 when speech and drama Professor Van Kussrow returned from Coventry with the revelation that theater could bring a Christ College cohort together. Each cohort takes the texts and discussions from the classroom, infusing them with current events and the unique talents of that year’s crop of students. From Joan of Arc to Pluto, God of the Underworld, First-Year Productions have incorporated everything under the sun – up to and including a singing, dancing pot roast. See full post.

Did you know there is a golf course on the Valpo campus? Well…a disc golf course that is. The nine hole layout — which was recently updated with new tee pads and signage — runs through a wooded area adjacent to Linwood Avenue. The funds for the renovation were provided by a gift from the Senior Class of 2021. The course offers a great recreation opportunity for the campus community. Discs can be rented at the Harre Union.

Our Valpo


Robert Bryant ’85, ’19H was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame on October 26, 2023 in Washington, D.C.

Read Class Notes


Terry Wetzel ’81 M.Ed. was inducted into the Museum of Nebraska Major League Baseball Hall of Fame on July 8, 2023.

Read Class Notes


Diane Markussen ’56 Mueller, set a record in the 200 yard butterfly at the 2022 National Senior Games meet in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in addition to holding four other National Senior Games records.

Read Class Notes


Vic Berecz ’61 has published a series of op-ed pieces for the Naples (Florida) Daily News entitled “Moments of Awareness.”

Read Class Notes

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