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Beacons Abroad

Valpo Nursing Student Impacts Health and Spirit of Children in Kenya

Spring/Summer 2017

Jennifer Mitchell ’17 spent summer 2016 in Kenya at an orphanage named Karundas Children’s Home, where approximately 70 children between the ages of three and 18 live. The orphanage strives to raise these children in the Christian tradition. Calvary Church in Valpo, which Jennifer attends, supports the Kenyan orphanage through KidsAlive, a faith-based organization whose mission is to rescue children in crisis.

As a nursing major, Jennifer was placed in Kenya to assist in the medical clinic within the Karundas orphanage. She performed medical checks on the children and led seminars for the entire community. “This experience pushed me outside my comfort zone, while still allowing me to practice medicine,” Jennifer says. “I was also able to share my faith, which is something I’m even more passionate about than nursing.”

More from the Spring/Summer 2017 Issue